In a stunning twist of fate, Queen of Tears, the beloved K-drama, has surpassed all expectations by overtaking the iconic Goblin to secure the prestigious title of the second-highest-rated drama in the history of tvN. This unexpected triumph comes on the heels of the show’s recent victory over Reply 1988 for the number three spot, solidifying its reign as a powerhouse in the realm of Korean television. Fans worldwide are rejoicing at this unprecedented feat, showcasing the unyielding support for the show’s lead stars, Kim Soo Hyun and Kim Ji Won. The 2024 romantic comedy continues to dominate the ratings charts, both nationally and internationally, captivating audiences with its compelling storyline and stellar performances.
Queen of Tears Achieves Record Ratings Queen of Tears reached a new pinnacle on April 14th, as its latest episode garnered an astounding nationwide rating of 20.7 percent, marking the first time the show has crossed the coveted 20 percent threshold. This milestone not only solidifies its position as a frontrunner in the genre but also sets a new benchmark for excellence in Korean drama.
Rivalling the Greats: Crash Landing on You and Goblin With only Crash Landing on You and Goblin having previously breached the 20 percent mark in tvN’s history, all eyes are now on whether Queen of Tears can surpass the unparalleled success of these legendary dramas. As viewers eagerly await the finale on April 28, the announcement of two special episodes airing on May 4th and 5th has further heightened anticipation, underscoring the immense popularity and impact of the series.
Future Prospects While details about the special episodes remain under wraps, the buzz surrounding Queen of Tears shows no sign of waning, with fans speculating on the potential direction of the storyline and the fate of their favorite characters. As the drama continues to captivate audiences with its heartfelt narrative and engaging performances, the stage is set for Queen of Tears to carve out its own legacy in the annals of Korean television history.
Source: Hindustantimes