Hierarchy is a 7-episode mystery, romance, and youth drama that premiered on Netflix in 2024. The drama follows the lives of students at Jooshin High School, the most prestigious school in South Korea, which can only be attended by those chosen at birth. When Kang Ha, a transfer student with a secret, arrives at Jooshin High, he begins to crack the school’s concrete world.
Short profile of Hierarchy
- Title: Hierarchy
- Country: South Korea
- Episodes: 7
- Aired: 2024 – ?
- Original Network: Netflix
- Also Known As: Hairaki
- Screenwriter: Choo Hye Mi
- Director: Bae Hyun Jin
- Genres: Mystery, Romance, Youth
Featured Photo credit: MyDramaList
Plot of Hierarchy
Jooshin High School is not your average high school. Students are chosen at birth to attend, and the school is run by the powerful Jooshin Group. The students at Jooshin High come from wealthy and influential families, and their lives are anything but ordinary. They are constantly competing with each other, both academically and socially.
When Kang Ha transfers to Jooshin High, he disrupts the school’s established order. Kang Ha is not like the other students. He is not from a wealthy family, and he does not have the same connections as the other students. However, Kang Ha has a secret that could change everything.
As Kang Ha gets to know the other students at Jooshin High, he begins to unravel the school’s dark secrets. He learns that the students are not as happy as they seem, and that the Jooshin Group is not as benevolent as it claims to be. Kang Ha must decide whether to keep his secret or to use it to expose the truth about Jooshin High.
Cast of the drama
- Kim Yo Han as Kang Ha
- Kim So Hyun as Jeong Jae Yi
- Choi Hyun Wook as Kim Ri An
- Park Ji Hoon as Yoon He Ra
- Bae Hyun Jin as Lee Woo Jin
Who Should Watch This Korean Drama?
- Fans of mystery, romance, and youth dramas
- People who are interested in Korean culture
- Anyone who enjoys a good story about good vs. evil
Why You Should Watch Hierarchy
- Hierarchy is a fast-paced and suspenseful drama that will keep you guessing until the very end.
- The drama’s characters are complex and well-developed, and you will find yourself rooting for them, even when they make bad decisions.
- Hierarchy is a thought-provoking drama that will make you think about the dark side of wealth and power.
Overall, Hierarchy is a must-watch for fans of Korean dramas. It is a well-written and well-acted drama that will keep you entertained from start to finish.
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