About the movie Girl on a Bulldozer
“Girl on a Bulldozer” is a 2022 South Korean film directed by Park Yi-woong and starring Kim Hye-yoon, Park Hyuk-kwon, and Oh Man-seok. The film tells the story of a 19-year-old girl named Hye-young (Kim Hye-yoon) who, after her father’s sudden car accident, sets out to find the truth about what happened to him. Along the way, she must confront her own anger and pain, and learn to forgive herself and others.
Main Cast
- Kim Hye-yoon as Hye-young
- Park Hyuk-kwon as Bon-jin, Hye-young’s father
- Oh Man-seok as Choi Young-hwan, a detective investigating Bon-jin’s accident
- Yesung as Go Yoo-seok, a bulldozer driver who helps Hye-young
- Park Si-woo as Hye-jeok, Hye-young’s younger brother
Plot of the story (synopsis)
Hye-young is a 19-year-old girl who lives with her father, Bon-jin, and her younger brother, Hye-jeok. Bon-jin is a construction worker who is struggling to make ends meet. One day, Bon-jin is in a car accident and is presumed dead. Hye-young is devastated by her father’s death, and she is determined to find out what happened. She starts to investigate, and she soon learns that there is more to her father’s death than meets the eye.
Short profile of the movie
“Girl on a Bulldozer” is a powerful and moving film that explores themes of loss, anger, forgiveness, and redemption. The film is beautifully shot and features strong performances from the cast, particularly Kim Hye-yoon, who gives a tour-de-force performance as Hye-young. The film is a must-see for fans of Korean cinema and anyone who is looking for a thought-provoking and emotionally resonant film.
What makes the movie stand out
What makes “Girl on a Bulldozer” stand out is its raw and emotional storytelling. The film does not shy away from the difficult subject matter, and it allows the audience to feel the full range of emotions that Hye-young experiences. The film is also beautifully shot, and it features some stunning cinematography.
Final verdict
“Girl on a Bulldozer” is a powerful and moving film that is sure to stay with you long after you watch it. The film is a must-see for fans of Korean cinema and anyone who is looking for a thought-provoking and emotionally resonant film.thumb_upthumb_downuploadGoogle itmore_vert